
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Gender Reveal

So I decided I wanted to do some throw back times. I know a lot of my friends are having children. So I wanted to share with everyone how my husband and I decided we wanted to announce to our family and the world (facebook) what gender our baby would be..

It took a lot of preparation. Let's just say my mother and I couldn't help but to shop at garage sales for super deals on baby clothes before we even knew the sex!

Here was the plan: I wanted a way to get my parents and my husband mother involved all at the same time, I racked and racked my brain. I searched for different ideas on pinterest but I knew I wouldn't be able to pull some of those things off (quickly that is). I bought pink balloons, white balloons, and blue balloons. I picked outfits, one boy and one girl outfit. I then picked out the third outfit in whatever gender the baby will be.

First step is to blow up the Pink balloon and write IT'S on the balloon, pretty small the bigger it gets blown up the bigger it gets plus you don't want them to be able to read it without blowing it up. (To write on the balloon I used a permanent marker!)

The Second balloon is blue and you write A on it. The third balloon the white one, you write whatever gender the baby will be.

For the first and second box to be opened!::
Once that was all done, I packaged each box in the following order: a hersheys bar with the letters SHE colored in pink went in all the boxes at the bottom and taped it down so it didn't move! (Nobody even knew they were there until the end!) I hid them with about three layers of tissue paper. I then laid down the outfit and placed the balloon on top. I then wrapped the boxes.

The third box is a little different:

You still tape down the Hershey bar to the bottom of the box but you also place (a thinner) outfit of the gender of sex you are having underneath the tissue paper as well and place white balloon on top and wrap up.

On Each Box:
I wrote out directions. I also labeled the boxes (box1,box2,box3) So I would remember which order!! I told them they can open up the present and they must blow up the balloon to reveals clues. They have to open in order and cannot move on to the next present before the first balloon isn't all the way blown up. (easier to take pictures..)

Here were the results!!


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