
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Baby food DOS & DON'TS

4-12 months
Honey- It harbors spores of Clostridium botulinum which causes botulism. An adult's intestinal tract can prevent the growth of these spores, but in a baby the spores can grow and produce life-threatening toxins.

Cow's milk and soy milk- Stick with breast milk or formula until your child's first birthday. Your little one cannot digest the protein in it and it doesn't have all the nutrients they need. It also contains minerals in amounts that can damage their kidneys!! =(.
Crazy to think that my grandparents feed this to my dad and uncle!!

Choosing solid foods for your child-
Doctors recommend waiting until the age of one or even later to introduce foods that are common allergens. Remember to introduce new foods gradually so you can easily identify which ones are causing the problems!

If you have certain food allergies.. Make sure you talk to your pediatrician about introducing those foods into your child's diet to see if they think it is safe or not!

I started out making my own baby food and the vegetables were always so bland, I couldn't take it! I did some research on different recipes and how long each vegetable and fruit stay good for once frozen. I found that you can add more than just fruit or vegetables together. SPICE IT UP! Make sure you check which spices are ok and not ok for you to use before you start adding anything in. I found out that a lot of pediatricians want you to wait until the child is about 8 months before adding spices/herbs to your child's baby good. Two things that they recommend you not using is sugar and salt (salt because it is really hard on your little one's kidneys!)

Some examples of herbs/spices you can use is:
  • thyme
  • vanilla
  • pepper
  • garlic
  • basil
  • rosemary
  • dill
  • oregano
  • ginger
  • lemon zest
  • cinnamon
  • mint
  • nutmeg
  • anise
with that said.. Spice up your babies life and add a little ZEST!

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