
Thursday, January 9, 2014


Today was a different sort of day. My in-laws were watching PJ for most of the morning while the hubby slept (he works second shift and is the breadwinner of the house) and I have my follow up doctors appointments. The morning started out a little rough. You see my husband and I have to different time schedules. When I say I need to leave by 9:30, he thinks it means walk out the door at that time when actually that means that I want to be at Point A at that time! It drives me BONKERS! But like any other morning I zipped my lips! I didn't say a word! He got up this morning to feed her breakfast because he hasn't seen her in a couple days (because him sleeping, me working, or being gone with her for appointments, etc). Plus some times you need to know when to pick your battles. This was a battle I was not going to put my boxing gloves on.

I dropped PJ off, and was on my way to start my day of fun filled driving around to appointments and errands. As if the weather wasn't bad enough people who were on the road drove like idiots! Who drives extremely over the speed limit when it is snowing and there is SLUSH ever where, not to mention black ice! That is besides the point. I went to my doctors appointments did my errands and that was that. I got back to pick up PJ and they said she was an angel today and that she wasn't fussy. (which means she wasn't in teething pain or running a fever). I am thinking to myself SCORE! I am in for an easy night!

eeexxxcuse! my! language but... HELL NO!!! As soon as we got in the door the tantrums started. She is an on the go type of girl, which normal is ok. But as soon as I get home, I have to finish unloading the car, put away her bottles/food, get her dinner ready etc. Her favorite thing to do is go to the chimney which is made of complete ROCK with sharp edges etc. and hold on to it to stand up. She is not the most graceful person yet and I know if she hits her head even lightely on it that it will cut it right open! I would love to baby gate that room off but the house is a donut so even if I do there is about a six foot gap. Let's just say we are really budgeting to get financially stable to be able to get our own house soon! One where we can be financially coozy! Again besides the point, this girl just doesn't understand the word NO. I read that some people say to do more gestures to teach young ones how to communicate but let's just say I can sign, or even overly exagerating gesture my hands in a NO sort of way while saying no... still nothing! What is it in kids that makes them feel so indestructable?

Then I sit here writing this.. and I question... When did I lose that? That FEARLESS feeling. Then I snap back into reality and remember oh ya when I had a kid! Can't go around doing crazy things when you having someone always following your every step!..But in theory.. I am determined to be fearless..I have put off this HESI nursing test for as long as I could without brushing up on some reading. I am happy to say I officially scheduled the appointment. Next step is to set up evolve account and take the test! Cross your fingers.. Lets pray I get in this way I can be the breadwinner once all done and then my husband can get his "dream" job!

Well, that is that! Off to dream world... Until work tomorrow and drill this weekend.

Stay tuned! More good stuff on the way!!! Promise!

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