
Saturday, January 18, 2014

15 FUN activities to do with a 10 month old

Are you looking for a fun SAFE activities to do with any little one that is mobile? I was looking for things to do with PJ during my school break (While I had plenty of time). But there isn't much crazy remember fun things to do with a 10 month old! So I brainstormed. I wanted her to make something for Kevin but I also wanted her to learn... I googled activities with 10 months old and got this strange list. Some of these games are what we already play or do on a daily basis but some are things I would have never thought of to even try! I have know created my To-Do Bucket list with PJ to accomplish before the New year hits! Which is a few days away! SAY WHAT!

  1. Arrange & re-arrange- Pj and I usually do this daily. We have foam blocks she loves to play with. Possibly almost as much as she loves chewing on them! I also bought her stacking cups that she loves to play with. She hasn't gotten the hang of stacking just yet but, she does clash them together or knocks over what I built. After a while, I don't find that fun anymore. I can never get past my third story building!
  2. Endless cruise- Pj LOVES to follow people now that she is mobile. I can't get her to stop moving unless she is asleep! She is like the energizer bunny! At first when she wasn't crawling and was kneeling on the floor I would crawl around her to help her get the point of crawling. I would place a toy in the middle of the room walk over where she was, position her just like me. I would crawl and then move her hands just like mine a little at a time. Once she started crawling there was no stopping her. I no longer have to get on my hands and knees and crawl. She just follows me as I walk room to room.
  3. Bath time fun- I don't consider this to actually be fun. It is a lot of work on my part. She goes CRAZY in the bath tub. I feel like I get more water that she does and she is the one in the tub! I tried bubbles to help her not splash me as much, hoping she would be more interested into feeling the bubbles
  4. Copy cat- PJ has gotten really good at this. Some times too good! She can imitate the sounds I do like when you flick your index finger over your lips and make a sound. Yes that one! That is her favorite! And she does it CONSTANTLY. Mainly every time she she's her farther now! I was a little annoyed by this at first but I got used to it and started teaching her a new task to copy!
  5. Stick it good!- this sounds cruel but it is actually teaching PJ problem solving. I duct tape a small toy to the floor and have her try to get it unstuck. Sounds silly but it strengthens her as well!
  6. Obstacle course- this is a little more difficult only because PJ doesn't really understand she is supposed to go a certain way and not pick up her toys and just stop in the middle of the tunnel I made from the couch and footstool with a blanket draped as a roof.
  7. Reading- M-F Pj gets two-three bed times stories at night. I only do it 5 out of 7 days because I can't be too silly when people can hear me!! So I try to focus on doing this with the hubby isn't home. I don't need anything that he can hold against me for in the future!
  8. Hide and seek music- I take PJ's mobile base and hide it in her room and let her listen to the music to find it. Some times she doesn't even look for it because she is to busy dancing to the music which then turns into a dance battle lol
  9. Which brings me to singing & dancing- Again I do this when no one is home. If anyone every recorded me I sure would be embarrassed. Only because I don't dance with my baby girl to look cute or sexy I do it goofy because I love to hear her laugh!
  10. Playing tag- this is more like the "I am going to get you game!" Any time I say those words her eyes light up and starts crawling in the other directions once I crawl and catch up to her I blow on her neck, give her kisses, tickle her and let her get a jump start so we can do it all over again!
  11. Walker- I bought pj one of those sit-to-stand walker. We have been playing with that every day. Needless to say she will be walking SOON thanks to it! She is so smart! She realized she can push it forward just a little bit then step forward. If she only had her balance she would have that whole walking thing nailed!
  12. Pick up game- I am constantly playing this game. PJ drops a toy, looks at me, then looks down at the floor to find the toy. This game is not one of my choices. I am actually forced to do it.
  13. Painting- I know you may think this is impossible with a child who LOVES to put her fingers in her mouth but there is actually a homemade edible paint recipe. The inner child in my got way to excited to wait to do this. But I wanted to wait until Kevin would be there to join in on the fun as well! (See below for recipe)
  14. Rainbow soap foam bubbles (see recipe below)
  15. Simon Says- As your little own grows they learn to mimic you really fast. I play this daily with. I believe this helps her learn certain things about daily life.. For instance I taught her the word hug and when I say it she now hugs (most of the time). Now I am working on waving hello and goodbye. I am also working on getting her to gives kisses when I say the word. 

Edible Paint
* 2 cups of corn flour (corn starch in the US I think)
* 1 cup of cold water
* 4.5 cups of boiling water
* Liquid food colouring
Mix the cornflour with the cold water and stir together. Pour in the boiling water and stir between each cup. It goes really strange (you are basically mixing a hot oobleck goop) but keep stirring and it literally seems to “melt” into a wonderful, custard-like consistency. We then separated it into individual jam jars before adding colouring, but you can do it however you like and this is the stage to add colour.

Rainbow Soap Foam Bubbles
* 2 tablespoons of dish soap
* 1/4 Cup of water
* food coloring
Add all ingredients together and mix on high for about one or two minutes. Repeat until you reach your desired amount.

I used an the plastic container I got from ice cream. I put 2 tablespoons of dish soap (any if fine) and a cup of water. Since I had a bigger container I was able to double the bath. When you add food coloring you also need about 2-3 drops. Repeat until you have the amount of foam you want. I put it in a plastic tub and set the tub in my bath tub. This way once she was done with playing I could switch her over to her ducky bath tub and give her a bath =)

When I did this- I left PJ in her diaper which might have not been such a good idea. I recommend using swimming diapers. I am not going to lie, PJ BAWLED when she first got in. But after a while of me splashing the foam around, she started to get more comfortable and started to play in it by herself.

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