
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Baby shots. BUSTS.

Just like any other mom, I hate taking my baby girl to go get shots. I love that they protect her but I hate hearing her scream and knowing how helpless she feels! I tried almost everything in fact to help ease the pain of shots but I am here to tell you what actually DIDN'T work for me to save your money and really about the only thing you can do is..

I have spent a large amount of money trying all of these sooo called inventions that are supposed to help ease the pain, let me save you some trouble and SOME MONEY!

1. Buzzy- This cost about $40. My Grandma actually bought this for my daughter and nephew to share. It has an ice pack that you keep in the freezer. and about two min before the shot is given you connect the ice pack to the buzzy and press the button onto the area that the shot will be given. When you press the button it vibrates the area. I tried this for her 6 month shots and I thought it would work. Cool compress with a vibration, I thought it would at least numb the area but NO it didn't. I was kinda upset. When my Grandma asked me if it worked, I didn't want to break her heart so I told her I had forgot it at home and haven't tried it yet!.. Later I told her the truth and she was heart broken that she wasted 40 bucks on it.BUST

2. Pressure- I tried just putting pressure onto the area that she is going to get a shot. Kind of like you do when you get a mosquito bite, but that also didn't work. BUST

3. Breastfeeding/bottle feeding during shots- I tried giving PJ her bottle during her 9 month shots and she dropped that bottle as soon as they gave her the first shot! She actually turned so red and stopped breathing then started hysterically crying! Worse experience EVER with this. BUST

People I know SWEAR by this method but I have yet to try it and hopefully will get to try this the next round we have of shots.

Sugar Water- 1 packet of sugar to 10ml of water you can keep dipping the pacifier into the water solution or feed by syringe. Once you give your child this solution you have to wait two minutes before giving the shots.

There are different creams you can ask to use..and the PROS / CONS

EMLA Cream
Topical anesthetic that deadens pain. You request it before the visit and apply it beforehand.
Pro: Works very well and most pharmacies carry it.
Con: Must be applied an hour before the shot, so it takes some planning.

Vapocoolant Spray

Rapidly cools a small area of skin to help reduce the pain of needle pricks.
Pro: Works within seconds.
Con: Many pediatricians don't keep it in their office. Some studies show it doesn't reduce pain nearly as well as EMLA.


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