
Saturday, November 30, 2013


Some times I question every little single thing I do each day. I wonder if it is the right thing for my child, for my family, for me. Lately a lot has me flustered. Each decision in my life seems to have consequences on some one else, no matter what I do. Yes, I understand that this is a part of life.. But these questions I have..

Am I a good mom?

Am I a good mom?

  • Am I teaching my daughter everything she needs to know? 

Yes I get it, she is not even a year old. But, that is beyond the point...
  • Am I showing her enough love?
  • Am I showing her how to love others for who they are?
  • or am I showing her that at times, you may not love someone as much at that moment in time, but that you still do? 
  • What happens when I make a mistake in front of her?
  • How do you teach someone to be who you want them to be without pushing boundaries?
  • Who am I to say what or who my daughter does or says. If I do those same things myself.
  • How can I tell her something and do another?
All these questions keep rolling through my brain. This is when I realized that asking myself all these questions weren't just the problem.. But the answer to my problem. I need to teach my child to follow in my footsteps. So what better day to make a change then this one. A one where she won't remember just "who" I am or used to be. One where I can choose who I want to be. I'm 24 I'm still learning and experiencing who I am as a person. Well, my has one long drown out bump roller coaster of learning to do. I'm just the mom to do it.

Day by day play of how I balance out this crazy roller coaster ride called being a mom, a soldier, a student, a coworker, and employee on the daily.

Keep rolling on. . .

----Beautiful... Disasters----
<3 Megan

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