
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

20 things they DIDN'T tell you

Everyone tells you that you look cute and that your such a cute preggo lady but what they really don't tell you is what you need to be asking about?! Here is a list of things you can expect from the point you when you get pregnant to the point after the baby arrives.

1. You are going to feel HUGE and trying to get reassurance from you husband is not your best bet, you know he is telling you a lie to make you feel better. Skip the anties and eat a fruit!

2. When you are about eight months pregnant you are going to pee yourself! Literally. Laughing, walking, or coughing it will probably happen!

3. When pregnant you are more likely to get a UTI so drink that cranberry juice up to avoid them! It is 10 times worse than a normal UTI because it can cause you to have contraction. Point taken, take care of your body!

4. You will have difficultly pooping, for about a month!

5. You will look at your husband in a new light. He is no longer that cute funny guy you meet a while ago. Instead he is this monster that made you SOOO HUGE and swollen like a big fat elephant. Try to breath. The little things he does will annoy you and that's ok. This will pass.

6. The first three months are the worst. You have morning sickness which makes you never want to leave your bed. Plus, why do they call it morning sickness when it usually seems to last ALL day. (Check out my morning sickness cure on a previous post!) Plus these three months are the most stressful. Some miscarriage in the first trimester. I  know how it feels to have a miscarriage because before PJ, I had lost my first child within the first trimester. When I was pregnant with PJ I always feared the same thing would happen. I was lucky the second time around that it didn't happen.

7. Delivery isn't the only painful part. You will have major cramping going on during the end. Back pain that won't ever stop. It will even wake you up in the middle of the night! As if you don't get enough sleep as it is?

8. When you start to show more, the more people will come up to you add give you tips or pointers. This will get annoying after a while and you may want to tell them to just SHUT UP after a while. I get it! Just tell them thank you for the advice and change the topic completely if you aren't comfortable with the topic.

9. Discharge GALOR. Nothing is surprising when it comes to pregnancy. You will have random discharge. By random I mean like a white milky discharge, which is normal.

10. When you do actually get some sleep, you will have some crazy WILD dreams. I was dreaming of people I haven't seen in years, or haven't even met for that matter!

11. Metal-taste. Don't freak out your mouth may taste like metal. Lets just say the prenatal vitamins don't help solve this case.

12. Boobs get bigger. and by this I don't mean one size. I mean two or three? Don't go on a bra shopping spree though, each month you will notice a little bit more of a change. Spend wisely!

13. Maternity clothes. I thought being pregnant I would wear these more? WRONG. I actually bought larger stretchy clothes. I even wore regular jeans and used a hair tie to expand them. For some reason it just felt more comfortable. Plus after I had the Pailynn I could wear those larger jeans until I slimmed down some more to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans!

14. While your in labor you won't be allowed to eat. You be set to a strict clear liquids diet.. I stocked up on hard candy which they allowed me to have. I bought a bag of peppermints and those root beer float candy! After I had my C-section I was so glad I had brought these! I ended up getting this horrible taste in my mouth after the antibiotics during the c-section!!

15. You would think you would have maybe one or two people looking at your private area. WRONG!! It was weird I had many nurses coming in and check to see how dilated I was, But my cervix was soo high that a lot of nurses couldn't tell so they had to go get other nurses to check their work. Nothing more awkward than your husband looking at other girls while they stick their fingers into ya!

16. Privacy issues. So I started off trying to breastfeed in the hospital. It was painful and some times weird. The breastfeeding consultant wanted me to be completely topless to have the skin on skin contact. This would be find if I didn't have soo many visitors. It was really uncomfortable for me to be nursing while holding a conversation with another one of my family members. Point proven- Make a sign that says Nursing Come back later. I understand you will be nursing a lot while in the hospital but you really don't need to be interrupted or flashing your in-laws yours goodies!

17. Once your labor starts they WILL put a catheter in you! .. It sucks NO LIE! Take a deep breath! I got it out the second day! Just remember, don't pull on it! haha no just playing but seriously make sure it gets emptied the pressure or the if it backflows back into you and can cause a UTI!

18. If you give birth naturally chances are you are going to poop. At least that is what everyone says! I had a C-section.

19. While pregnant you may suffer leg cramps- I HATED THEM! The best way for me to get rid of them fast was to flex your foot upwards and straighten your leg like you’re going to touch your shin with your big toe.

20. Along with leg cramps I suffered from restless leg syndrome, as if I wasn't tired enough. My darn legs kept me up at night. The only way to really beat this is to drink more water! Stretching, warms baths, acupuncture and massage seem to be the suggested remedies.

Things you need to know about a C-section:
  1. The nurses will try to keep you in the bed for the most part, but I was up four hours after Pailynn was born. If you are looking to get out of the hospital quickly, like I was.. You need to walk.
  2. Take it easy at the same time. You will feel like you can run a marathon with the pain meds but as soon as you switch to pills, pain control isn't the same!
  3. Request the catheter be taken out asap! The longer it is in you the higher the chances are for a UTI.
  4. When you have to cough, seriously- use a pillow! Your stitches will thank me later!
  5. Listen to the nurses when they say rinse your private area. It helps flush out everything, which lessons the chance for an infection!
  6. The second day home from the hospital, take it easy! I thought it was a good idea to walk around target getting different odds and ends for the new little one. Little did I know I would have to be put in a wheel chair and rolled out to my car!
  7. Engorgement- This may sound a little weird but seriously, pay attention to your breasts! They will be HUGE and hard as a rock, and if they get too big they will pop, jk. But they will hurt like a knife is being stabbed into them. Pump often!! Even after feedings pump for an extra fifteen minutes to get your supply up!
  8. Leak attach- no one told me my boobs will have a period! Not red but they will leak milk! They know make a pretty cool product that collects the milk you leak up. If you have twins or a baby who constantly needs nursing than you should look into this!

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