Being a new mom is hard. In fact, it is ten times harder than I could have ever imagined. People say oh, don't worry you will be able to tell what cry is which... REALLY? That is crap. It is process of elimination in this house hold. It is not always easy. She is almost nine months old now. and she is very mobile. She has been crawling for almost two weeks now and I still haven't adjusted, nor have I baby proofed the house.. Is it all that serious? How many people leave there kids unattended for that long without realizing what they are getting into? I figure as long as I have her baby gated into the room I am in.. I should be able to manage whatever I am doing while watching her... So far this has worked out pretty good. Don't get me wrong she had her bumps and bruises from slipping on the wood floors from the carpet.. (that is a hilarious thing to watch actually. She like moon crawled backwards at first! I about died laughing!!)
This part is for your soon to be mommas or mommas with children younger than pj (9months). I found out quickly the secrets to being a mom..Note: This are only some.. More to come!
1.) Tylenol vs. Motrin
Think of it this way.. Tylenol- Pain= teething.. Motrin- Fever! I always tried to get the dye free kind.. PJ seems to be hyperactive when I give her the flavored.. But with her.. any time you gave her motrin she was wired.. so don't freak out if they don't sleep right away after motrin.. Ask a pharmacist for dosing information. They usually have a great print out to tell you by your babies weight!!
2.) Chew toys- Yes I said it.. She is like a little puppy with these things. The more different the shape, the more she likes it!.. NO LIE! Pj really loved the soft teething beads. I also got her this ice cream cone rattle teething toy that I would actually freeze.. She loved it because it didn't freeze her hand but also let her get those painful gums numb with coldness =) Everyone swears on sophie the giraffe.. and my nephew even has it.. don't get me wrong.. that boy eats the crap out of the giraffes head.. but I like giraffes.. so it kind of disturbs me! lol.
3.) Soft.. I mean really soft blanket.. My child is a binkie-ohlic if there is such thing!! She has to have a soft blanket to rub between her hands while holding it against her face.. Taggies worked great for while she was in the car seat because then she was still covered with her blanket!
4.) Educational books/songs.. I read to pj daily and while shes sitting on the floor in the living room.. Don't think I don't jam some kids music just for her sweet smiles and rawk out on some new dance moves.. anything to see those teethers! .. Don't worry about how you dance, they don't care.. the funnier you dance, the more they love it!
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Rawkin our own type of music! |
5.) Diaper Rash Cream vs A&D ointment.
Personally I hate the diaper rash cream, the baby poops and I feel like the poop rubs into the cream and it takes a zillion wipes to get off. I feel as if A&D ointment works quickly and is easy to wipe away and reapply. You have to watch your clothes and the little one's clothes as well.. It is a wee bit greasy at times!
6.) Of course- Diapers/Wipes!
I started out using only huggies.. believe it or not.. it got really expensive! Even when I was buying bulk at Sams I still felt like I was spending so much more money on the brand name.. So the hubs had a brilliant idea to check out the sams club brand of diapers.. I got almost 100 more diapers and it was more than 5 dollars cheaper AND.. they seem to work the exact same! What a load of crap huh! I was paying for the brand name.. instead of quality!
7.) Stroller/ Carseat..
We actually started off with the travel system.. It would out great still she was about 6 months.. She couldn't fit inside her car seat the way it was supposed to be faced in the stroller.. and once she can't fit that way I found that the travel system stroller was really bulky and took up most needed trunk space.. So I switched to the umbrella stroller... But now I have this big bulky stroller sitting in the garage taking up space.. Take this advise with a grain of sand.. I never really "went out" anywhere so I didn't really use the stroller to do anything other than shopping & periodic walks which I then switched to the jogging stroller anyway. So do as you please.. You need to really look into the details of the car seat before buying. My car seat now goes to 22lbs. Granted shes 16lb I will soon need a new carseat.. Do I wouldn't waist money buying two car seats that go to 22lbs you can actually buy a convertible car seat that can take the child home from the hospital!
8.) Swing / Rocking chair
Some people swear you need a swing. My daughter HATED the swing for the most part.. When she was really little 0-4 months she LOVED being rocked thanks to her grandparents.. So really that came in handy. I tried the whole recliner thing for a little while.. but it didn't rock as good.
9.) Baby Mobile
This was the most AMAZING thing invented for babies.. I don't neglect my child.. but sometimes mommy needs a shower, and with no one home you must rely on the mobile to hopefully keep the child busy enough for you to take a five minute shower in peace.. Remember YOU DESERVE A HOT LONG SHOWER!
10.) Diaper bag
Alright so you have all kinds of goodies for this one little thing.. And you need something to put it in.. I know you registered for something girly for a diaper bag.. but also ask for a more manly one.. I had purchased my husband his own MANLY diaper bag.. It actually looks like a backpack.. I can tell hes so much more secure carry that then a hot pink zebra diaper bag.. Oh yes.. He did this for the first three months while my brother made fun of him! and all the double take stares where enough to make you try to run and hide! Poor guy.. I tortured him for just a little while..;)
11.) Mobile carriers
I bought one for 15 bucks from walmart.. used it for about 2 days and quit.. really hurt my back.. all my friends swear by the wrap.. But I wasn't down for spending about 45 bucks for one that I don't even know if I will like. The Choice is yours!
12.) Sterlizer bags
Alright. I couldn't stick with breast feeding so I had to switch to formula. Cleaning bottle in the dishwasher is easy peasy! Buy/Register Dishwasher baskets to hold bottles. Run the dishwasher done! On the other hand.. if you don't have a dishwasher.. Don't fret it is still easy! They have sterilizer bags where you can put your bottle and pieces after you hand wash them and put them in the microwave for a certain amount of time and BAM you have sterilized bottles! This is very important for a young baby.. Having a baby with thrush is HORRIBLE! They are very irritable and start not to like feeding because of the pain.. Also if you are breastfeeding with a baby that has thrush, you can get thrush on yours milk makers!
13.) My FAVORITE item of PJS.. is her ducky tub.. Every since she could sit up she has been caught splashing around in this duck tub that was GENIUS! It also kind of helped teach herself how to balance her self since most of it is inflated (even the bottom!)
14.) Bibs
THEY ARE AMAZING!!!! From the begining when bottle feed all the way to when she is spitting up, to when she is starting to eat solids.. I still use her bibs 96% of the time! I had to keep buying new ones.. You tend to lose a lot of EVERYTHING when being a mom!
15.) Baby monitors
So I was a little spoiled.. I actually got the Summer video voice monitor. I LOVE IT! Specially now that Pailynn is moving I can see her crawl all around her crib and just take a peak on the monitor instead of having to go into the room, which she would actually wake up! Really comforted me when she was so little she couldn't roll yet so she would get stuck on her stomach and I could see why she was crying/squirming..
FYI I am not mentioning the DUH products as much like, high chair, crib, place to put clothes, changing table, bottles, breast pump, breast feeding/ feeding pillow, baby mittens (for if the baby is constantly scratching themselves), Nail clippers, & thermometer.
More to follow: Stay tunned=)
You won't want to miss a NEW mommy experience!
----Beautiful... Disasters----
<3 Megan
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